
Many responsibilities come with being a homeowner, including replacing your roof every 20 years or so. Depending on the material used, you might be able to make it upwards of 70 years without a replacement. But on the other hand, you might have to replace it after just 15 years. If you are a new homeowner or recently moved, it’s important to know how dated the roof is – that way you can plan and budget for when it will need to be replaced. However, if for whatever reason you do not know how old your roof is, we have compiled a list of some general warning signs that indicate the need for a roof replacement. 

Inspecting The Interior

Before getting your ladder out and climbing on top of your house, inspecting the inside of your home can tell a lot about the condition of your roof. Below are a few things to keep an eye out for when examining your attic space. 

Beams of Light: Before turning on your flashlight, check to see if you notice any beams of light shining through your roof. Any spots where light is shining through indicates wear and tear or damage to your roof. Depending on the size and frequency of these spots, you may be able to get away with a few spot repairs compared to an entire roof replacement. 

Stains or Streaks: After checking for beams of light, you will want to get your flashlight out and turn on any lights you have in your attic space. Look for any dark stains or streaks that suggest water damage from a leaky roof. Again, depending on the severity of damage, you may be able to identify and patch up any leaky spots rather than replacing the entire roof.

Sagging Areas: The last thing to look for on the inside of your house is sagging areas. If you find any, gently press on the area and feel for moisture. Generally, sagging areas signal a water leak and/or rotting\. Either way, a sagging area should be identified and repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Spot repairs are still possible with sagging areas, although the process is likely going to be more complex.

Inspecting The Exterior

After you have inspected the attic and interior of your home, it’s time for an exterior inspection. From the ground, a roof may often look in good shape. It takes a ladder and walking the surface area of your roof to get a more accurate account of its condition.

Curled or Missing Shingles: Curled or missing shingles is going to be the first indicator that your roof has been worn or damaged. It’s natural with time for this to happen, so don’t panic. Much like the other warning signs we have discussed, an entire roof replacement may not be necessary if it’s just a few or just a patch of missing shingles. If left unrepaired, this could lead to more serious leaking issues and damage though. 

Sagging Roof (Signs of Mold or Rotting): Similar to sagging areas on the interior of your home, a visibly sagging roof from the exterior indicates mold or rotting. This is a serious issue that should be evaluated and repaired by a professional immediately. If the wood frame of your roof is rotting, it could collapse if not addressed in time. 

Looks Visibly Worn: If your roof looks visibility worn and damaged from the ground, chances are it’s time for a replacement. If you don’t notice anything until you inspect the areas more carefully, then you may be questioning whether a full roof replacement is necessary or if a spot repair will do the job. The good news for you is that at Austermiller Roofing, we will visit your home, evaluate the condition of your roof, and give you an honest recommendation with price quotes. 

Other Warning Signs

Below are a few other warning signs you may want to keep in mind that go beyond inspecting the inside and outside of your home.

Unwanted Houseplants: Moss, algae, and fungi are not immediate signs that you need a roof replacement or repair. However, what it does indicate is moisture buildup that can potentially cause damage to your roof. If you find mossy spots on your roof, just make sure to clear them or brush them off frequently, and keep an eye on those areas for moisture damage. 

Unwanted Animal Guests: If you find critters frequently making their way into your home, especially in the colder months, it may not be a bad idea to inspect your roof. Even the smallest opening can be enough for a rodent to make its way in. 

Neighbors Getting Replacements: One last tip we have that could indicate you need a roof replacement or repair is if your neighbors are getting theirs replaced. Generally, in neighborhoods, all the houses are built around the same time and with similar materials. So if you notice several of your neighbors are getting replacements, it might be time for you as well. 

Contact Us Today

If you are unsure whether or not your home is due for a roof replacement, contact our roofing experts at Austermiller, Inc. We will visit your home, evaluate the interior and exterior of your roof, and provide an estimate if we feel a replacement is needed.

Austermiller, Inc. has been serving the Middle Tennessee area for over 25 years. Our team of certified contractors and roofers are trained professionals to install materials of the highest quality with the highest quality service. We are proud to specialize in both commercial and residential roofing, as well as storm damage repair and restoration.

Schedule your FREE estimate today by visiting us online or giving us a call at 615-553-2041.